Using keyword searches

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In Mozilla you can specify keywords for bookmarks. When you type the keyword in to the location bar and hit enter, the keyword will be replaced with the bookmarked address. What makes keywords very powerful is that if you add a %s at some pllace in your bookmark, that will be replaced by the words you type in after your keywords (and before you press enter). <p\> This is how you do it: First go to Bookmarks->File Bookmark... This will result in a window popping up where you can specify the name, location (url) and keyword. Let's take the Internet Movie Database as an example. The search url for their database is;nm=on;mx=20;q= where any words typed after the q= will be used in the search. This part is where we want to add text so we place a %s after the q= when writing the location. This makes the location url look like this;nm=on;mx=20;q=%s . Now you give it a keyword, let's use movie. So now we have entered the following:<p\> Name: Internet Movie Database<br\> Location:;nm=on;mx=20;q=%s<br\>

Keyword: movie

So the next time you want to check yout the information the Internet Movie Database has on The Nightmare Before Christmas you just write movie The Nightmare Before Christmas in to the location bar and just press enter. Mozilla will then take you to the page the Internet Movie Database's search would give. Just give it a try. <p\> We've also assembled a list of useful keyword searches.