Location Bar search

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Revision as of 19:44, 30 March 2006 by Dwightd (talk | contribs)
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When you type a keyword into the Location Bar, Firefox takes you to the top Google result for that search by default. However, by modifying the preference called keyword.URL, you can change this behaviour. Here are a few example values:

Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" (default)
Google "Browse by Name" (Automatically takes you to sites with a clear match, else performs a Google search)
Google Search (Google search results page)

If the keyword.URL search is disabled, Firefox may still attempt a simpler lookup, by concatenating a prefix and suffix on the supplied domain name. This action may be enabled or disabled using the browser.fixup.alternate.enabled setting in about:config. The prefix and suffix used can be set using browser.fixup.alternate.prefix and ...suffix.

For more advanced search capabilities, you may want to look into keyword searches and the Search Bar.

See also

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