JavaScript Preferences Class

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Revision as of 19:18, 9 March 2005 by Grimholtz (talk | contribs) (added more notes about the class up top)
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Javascript Preferences Class

This class encapsulates many of the commonly used features of Mozilla's preferences-related interfaces into a centralized, reusable class. It traps exceptions, allows you to specify default values for preferences when they don't exist in any preference tree, and keeps code organized by localizing preference manipulation to a single class. The only interfaces not yet supported are nsILocalFile and nsIRelativeFilePref. Feel free to add them if you like. Sample usage is shown in the leading comments.

 * preferences.js - a javascript class which provides a safe wrapper      *
 *                  around nsIPrefService.                                *
 *                                                                        *
 *                  It keeps code clean by centralizing the use of        *
 *                  nsIPrefService, translating exceptions into null or   *
 *                  false return values (as appropriate), typechecking    *
 *                  all values, and other good things.                    *
 *                                                                        *
 * author:  eric h. jung (                            *
 * version: 0.1                                                           *
 * date: 07 March 2005                                                    *
 *                                                                        *
 * Usage: Include this file in your code then --                          *
 *                                                                        *
 *   var prefs = new PrefsWrapper("extensions.myextension.");             *
 *   prefs.setXXX("", fooBarPref);                                 *
 *   // Note you can optionally provide a default value for all           *
 *   // getters. If the pref doesn't exist in either the current or       *
 *   // default preference tree, the default value will be                *
 *   // returned.                                                         *
 *   var fooBarPref = prefs.getXXX("");                            *
 *   var fooBarBarPref = prefs.getXXX("", "my default");       *
 *                                                                        *
 * Read the comments of each function to see what it returns and when.    *
 * For details about Mozilla preferences, see                             *
 *                      *
 *                                                                        *

 * Constructor
function PrefsWrapper(branch) {
  this._prefsService = this._prefsService.getBranch(branch);

 * Retrieves the state of an individual boolean preference.
 * Returns true/false if the preference exists in either the current or 
 * default preference tree. Returns the default argument
 * if the preference does not exist in either of those trees, or is not of boolean type.
 * If no default argument is specified, null is returned in its place.
function getBool(prefName, defawlt) {
  try {
    return this._prefsService.getPrefType(prefName) == this._prefsService.PREF_BOOL ?
      this._prefsService.getBoolPref(prefName) : defawlt;
	catch (e) {
	  return defawlt;

 * Retrieves the state of an individual string preference.
 * Returns the value of the preference if it exists in either the current or
 * default preference tree. Returns the default argument
 * if the preference does not exist in either of those trees, or is not of string type.
 * If no default argument is specified, null is returned in its place.
function getChar(prefName, defawlt) {
  try {
	  return this._prefsService.getPrefType(prefName) == this._prefsService.PREF_STRING ?
      this._prefsService.getCharPref(prefName) : defawlt;
	catch (e) {
	  return defawlt;

 * Retrieves the state of an individual integer preference.
 * Returns the value of the preferenceif it exists in either the current or
 * default preference tree. Returns the default argument
 * if the preference does not exist in either of those trees, or is not of integer type.
 * If no default argument is specified, null is returned in its place.
function getInt(prefName, defawlt) {
  try {
	  return this._prefsService.getPrefType(prefName) == this._prefsService.PREF_INT ?
      this._prefsService.getIntPref(prefName) : defawlt;
	catch (e) {
	  return defawlt;

 * Retrieves the state of an individual Unicode string preference.
 * Returns the value of the preference if it exists in either the current or
 * default preference tree. Returns the default argument
 * if the preference does not exist in either of those trees, or is not of string type.
 * If no default argument is specified, null is returned in its place.
function getUnicodeChar(prefName, defawlt) {
  try {
	  return this._prefsService.getPrefType(prefName) == this._prefsService.PREF_STRING ?
      this._prefsService.getComplexValue(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString).data : defawlt;
	catch (e) {
	  return defawlt;

 * Retrieves the state of an individual localized string preference.
 * Returns the value of the preference if it exists in either the current or
 * default preference tree. Returns the default argument
 * if the preference does not exist in either of those trees, or is not of string type.
 * If no default argument is specified, null is returned in its place.
function getLocalizedChar(prefName, defawlt) {
  try {
	  return this._prefsService.getPrefType(prefName) == this._prefsService.PREF_STRING ?
      this._prefsService.getComplexValue(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data : defawlt;
	catch (e) {
	  return defawlt;

 * Set the state of an individual boolean preference.
 * Returns true if the value was successfully set; false if it wasn't set.
 * _b_ can be a boolean, or case-insensensitive versions of
 * "yes", "no", "true", or "false".
function setBool(prefName, b) {
  if (typeof(b) == "boolean") {
	  this._prefsService.setBoolPref(prefName, b);
    return true;
  else {
    try {
      b = b.toLowerCase();
   	  this._prefsService.setBoolPref(prefName, ("true" == b || "yes" == b));
      return true;
    catch (e) {
      // toLowerCase() doesn't work and
      // b isn't type boolean
      return false;

 * Set the state of an individual string preference.
 * Returns true if the value was successfully set; false if it wasn't set.
function setChar(prefName, str) {
  if (typeof(str) == "string") {
    this._prefsService.setCharPref(prefName, str);
    return true;
  return false;

 * Set the state of an individual integer preference.
 * Returns true if the value was successfully set; false if it wasn't set.
function setInt(prefName, i) {
  if (!isNaN(i) && String(i).indexOf(".") == -1) {
	  this._prefsService.setIntPref(prefName, i);
    return true;
  return false;

 * Set the state of an individual Unicode string preference.
 * Returns true if the value was successfully set; false if it wasn't set.
 * The second argument, value, is a string which can contain non-ascii characters.
function setUnicodeChar(prefName, value) {
  try {
    var str = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); = value;
    this._prefsService.setComplexValue(prefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);
    return true;
  catch (e) {
    return false;

PrefsWrapper.prototype._prefsService =
PrefsWrapper.prototype.setInt = setInt;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.setChar = setChar;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.setBool = setBool;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.setUnicodeChar = setUnicodeChar;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.getInt = getInt;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.getChar = getChar;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.getBool = getBool;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.getUnicodeChar = getUnicodeChar;
PrefsWrapper.prototype.getLocalizedChar = getLocalizedChar;